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 Alexander Pope:

Q. When was Alexander Pope born? 
Ans. 1688. He died in 1744
Q. Which disease affected Alexander Pope? Ans. Tuberculosis of the bone
Q. Who is the second most-quoted writer in the English language after Shakespeare? Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. Who said about Alexander Pope, "If Pope be not a poet, where is true poetry to be found?" 
Ans. Dr. Johnson
Q. Who wrote Windsor Forest? 
Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. Since he was a child, Pope was very impressed by? 
Ans. Homer
Q. Alexander Pope co-authored which restoration comedy? 
Ans. Three Hours After Marriage
Q. Where was Alexander Pope born ? 
Ans. In London
Q. By faith, Alexander Pope was? 
Ans. Roman Catholic
Q. How did being a catholic affect Alexander Pope? 
Ans. He could not get good education (because of anti-catholic movement)
Q. Who wrote The Imitation Of Horace? 
Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. Who wrote the mock-epic The Rape Of The Lock? 
Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. Who originated the phrase, "damn with faint praise"? 
Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. What books did Alexander Pope translate into English? 
Ans. Iliad and Odyssey by Homer. (He translated them in 11 years)
Q. What was more important in the poetry of The Age Of Pope? 
Ans. Form
Q. What became the only possible form for serious work in verse in The Age Of Pope? Ans. The closed couplet 
Q. Alexander Pope is called? 
Ans. Prince Of Classicism 
Q. Who called Alexander Pope "Prince of Classicism"? 
Ans. Prof. Etton
Q. Aristocracy of the 18th century is represented in The Rape Of The Lock through the characters of? 
Ans. Belinda and Baron
Q. Who wrote Epistle To Dr. Arbuthnot? 
Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. Where did Alexander Pope die? 
Ans. Twickenham, England 
Q. Who, according to Alexander Pope, "rush in where angels fear to tread"? 
Ans. Fools
Q. Alexander Pope was strongly attached to which woman? 
Ans. Lady M. Montagu
Q. Of which club was Alexander Pope a member? 
Ans. Scriblerus Club
Q. When did Alexander Pope first publish his mock-epic The Rape Of The Lock? 
Ans. 1712. It had 2 cantos
Q. Who wrote the poem Eloisa To Abelard? Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. What poem was inspired by a man who eloped with his pregnant pupil and then he was castrated at the command of her uncle? Ans. Eloisa To Abelard
Q. The Age Of Pope is also called? Ans. Augustan Age
Q. Famous prose writers like Addison and Jonathan Swift were the ________ of Alexander Pope? 
Ans. Contemporaries
Q. What satirical poem was inspired by an incident between Lord Petre and Miss Arabella Fermor? 
Ans. The Rape Of The Lock 
Q. What was the subject matter of the poets of The Age Of Pope? 
Ans. Town and cultural society
Q. Mathew Arnold called Dryden and Pope as? 
Ans. "Classics of our prose"
Q. Who wrote the poem Brutus? 
Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. Which poem of Alexander Pope was left unfinished? 
Ans. Brutus
Q. The Rape Of The Lock is based on? 
Ans. A real occurrence
Q. Alexander Pope also suffered from? 
Ans. Spinal deformity and asthma
Q. What member of the Scriblerus Club did Alexander Pope help to publish his work? Ans. Jonathan Swift in the publication of Gulliver's Travels
Q. Who wrote An Essay On Man? 
Ans. Alexander Pope 
Q. An Essay On Man by Alexander Pope is actually? 
Ans. A poem
Q. In The Rape Of The Lock, who was "Shock"? 
Ans. The dog
Q. Alexander Pope's literary life usually falls into? 
Ans. Three main periods 
Q. Who said, "No writer reflects so clearly and completely the spirit of his own days as  Pope does?" 
Ans. Leslie Stephen
Q. What kind of poetry dominated in The Age Of Pope? 
Ans. Satiric poetry
Q. Alexander Pope had a hunchback and he was? 
Ans. 4 feet and 6 inches tall
Q. In The Rape Of The Lock, what does Belinda's hair become in the end? 
Ans. A group of stars
Q. Who wrote Pastorals? 
Ans. Alexander Pope 
Q. The first work of Alexander Pope was? Ans. Pastorals
Q. The Pastorals by Alexander Pope are _______ in number? 
Ans. 4 (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter)
Q. Alexander Pope had no? 
Ans. Siblings 
Q. Alexander Pope never married? 
Ans. True
Q. Which friend of Alexander Pope requested him to write The Rape Of The Lock? 
Ans. John Caryll
Q. Where is Alexander Pope buried? 
Ans. St. Mary's Church 
Q. The alma mater of Alexander Pope was? Ans. Twyford School
Q. Who wrote The Dunciad? 
Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. Alexander Pope's edition of Shakespeare was greatly attacked. He responded with what burlesque ridiculing critics and writers? Ans. The Dunciad
Q. The Rape Of The Lock was written to end a dispute between Miss Arabella and? 
Ans. Lord Petre
Q. The nickname of Alexander Pope was? Ans. “The Wasp of Twickenham” (for his harsh literary satires of his fellow writers)
Q. Alexander Pope was? 
Ans. Poet, translator and prose writer 
Q. Who wrote The Early Career of Alexander Pope? 
Ans. George Sherburn
Q. Alexander Pope died at the age of? 
Ans. 56
Q. What type of satire The Rape Of The Lock is? 
Ans. Impersonal satire
Q. Dunciad by Alexander Pope is his? 
Ans. Personal satire
Q. Alexander Pope's work Dunciad is the comic version of? 
Ans. Virgil's Aenied
Q. Who said, "A little learning is a dangerous thing?" 
Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. Alexander Pope developed Tuberculosis of the spine at the age of? 
Ans. 12 
Q. Alexander Pope's early literary mentors include Restoration dramatists William Wycherley and? 
Ans. William Congreve
Q. The Rape of the Lock is a parody of which epic poem? 
Ans. The Iliad by Homer
Q. Who wrote An Essay On Criticism? 
Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. Alexander Pope's Essay On criticism was fiercely attacked by? 
Ans. John Dennis
Q. Alexander Pope is considered the master of? 
Ans. Heroic Couplet 
Q. Alexander Pope's father was? 
Ans. A linen merchant
Q. The second edition of The Rape Of The Lock was published in? 
Ans. 1714. It had 5 cantos 
Q. The name of Alexander Pope's father was also? 
Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. Alexander Pope published his Essay On Criticism at the age of? 
Ans. 23
Q. In which special work did Alexander Pope want to "vindicate the ways of God to man"? Ans. An Essay On Criticism
Q. Who said, "To err is human, to forgive divine?" 
Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. The supernatural element, used by Alexander Pope in The Rape Of The Lock is known as? 
Ans. Machinery OR Supernatural Machinery
Q. Where does hope spring eternal, according to Alexander Pope? 
Ans. In the human breast
Q. Which century is called The Age Of Prose and Reason? 
Ans. 18th century
Q. Who wrote Elegy To The Memory Of An Unfortunate Lady? 
Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. Who said, "Nature is order and rule and harmony in the visible world?" 
Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. Alexander Pope was at his best in? 
Ans. Epigram and satire
Q. Who supported the ancient writers by saying, "Those rules of old discovered, not devised/Are Nature still, but Nature methodized?" 
Ans. Alexander Pope
Q. In The Rape Of The Lock, the Baron is provided a pair of scissors by? 
Ans. Clarissa
Q. Alexander Pope's poem An Essay On Man is a? 
Ans. Philosophical poem
Q. Who said, "The proper study of mankind is man?" 
Ans. Alexander Pope


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